Fair Housing & Reasonable Accommodation

Below you will find some supplemental information to the Fair Housing course book.  Unless otherwise indicated, the links are to websites referenced in the text.

Updated: Summer 2023

Pg 1-2:           42 U.S. Code § 3604

Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended

Pg 1-3:           Disability Defined

Pg. 1-4           Source Reference: National Fair Housing Alliance, www.nationalfairhousing.org

Pg 1-6 – 1-8: Fair Housing Law Links:

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (Fair Housing Act)

Architectural Barriers Act of 1968

Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

Section 109 of Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974

Age Discrimination Act of 1975

Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988

Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990

Presidential Executive Orders:

Executive Order 11063

Executive Order 11246

Executive Order 12892

Executive Order 12898

Executive Order 13166

Executive Order 13217

Pg 1-8:           HUD’s Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO)

Pg 1-10:         PIH Notice 2015-19

Pg 1-17:         Housing Assistance Payments Contract (form HUD-52641) Part B, §9

Pg 1-20:         Preserving Community and Neighborhood Choice

24 CFR Part 5, Subpart L

Pg. 1-24:        The HUD AFFH Mapping Tool

Pg 1-25:         Executive Order 13166

U.S. Department of Justice’s 2002 LEP Guidance.

Pg. 1-26:        Federal Register Vol. 77, No. 23, Page 5662

Pg 1-34:         Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended

Fair Housing Act of 1968 as amended

Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended

Pg. 1-35:        24 CFR 100.201

Pg. 1-41:        24 CFR § 5.403

FHEO issued Notice 2020-01 Guidance on Assistance Animals on January 28, 2020

Pg. 1-54:        HUD Statement on Fair Housing and COVID-19