TNQ staff members pose for a photo at the office’s annual breast cancer awareness event. Braden and fellow Morale Committee members hold a yearly breast cancer event to promote togetherness and celebrations.

In an effort to highlight our employees and their unique affordable housing journeys, Quadel features staff members in its series: Passionate People. This week’s feature is Nikita Braden, the housing and portability specialist at Tennessee Quadel’s (TNQ) office in Memphis. Braden is also a proud member of TNQ’s Morale Committee. The Committee’s focus is recognizing individual and team achievements and fostering a supportive work environment.

Getting her start in the industry in 1993 as a property manager, she discusses her 30-year housing career and her continuous positive mindset in this week’s blog.

What is your role at Tennessee Quadel (TNQ)?

“I’m the Housing and Portability Specialist here at TNQ. I process recertifications and assist families who are moving out of state,” Braden said. “I also track billing statements from receiving housing authorities.”

What do you like most about working in the affordable housing industry?  

“I love working in the affordable housing industry where I can provide one of the greatest essential needs for humanity,” Braden said. “Every family deserves access and the opportunity to live in safe and decent housing to overcome life-altering obstacles.”

What has been the biggest lesson you’ve learned from working in this industry?

“The biggest lesson I have learned working in the industry of housing is documentation. Documentation provides a clear picture of what is being projected,” Braden said.

What motivates you to continue providing affordable housing to the Memphis community?

“I have learned to create an encouraging workplace with my coworkers. We are together most of the day so it’s important for us to uplift each other with a simple smile, kind word, or a celebration,” Braden said. “We do not have bad days on the floor of TNQ. I continue to live by my life motto: ‘Every day is a blessing’ and serve our residents with that same mindset.”