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Quadel Director, Penny VanderWall, works with PHAs across the country to complete remote recertifications and other services.
As the COVID-19 pandemic endures, the demand for remote or virtual services continues to increase. Utilizing remote services allows Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) to complete necessary tasks in a timely manner without risking the health of employees, residents and applicants.
In the past year, Quadel has completed thousands of remote recertifications for PHAs across the country. Quadel is currently completing remote eligibility verifications and recertifications in the following states: Alabama, Arizona, California, Florida, Indiana, Michigan, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and Washington.
Quadel Director, Penny VanderWall, gives insight into Quadel’s remote recertification process and how it helps PHAs maintain compliance, meet the December 31 completion deadline in notice PIH 2021-14, and process transactions with competing priorities.
VanderWall said Quadel and its team of housing specialists have created an efficient, safe process.
“We work with PHAs upfront to define the process – who does what and when – based on a PHA’s Administrative Plan and procedures. Everyone on each team is very clear about each person’s role and responsibilities,” VanderWall said. “
VanderWall notes PHAs using paper documents have a smooth document transfer process under Quadel’s streamlined approach, too. Whether electronic or paper documents, Quadel has an established protocol to ensure all resident/applicant personal information remains secure. Protocols include system encryptions and required employee training.
“Each remote operation function our Quadel team can complete is one more area that frees up PHA staff to assist with other agency needs such as providing emergency assistance, solving food insecurity concerns, or addressing asset management priorities,” VanderWall said. In addition, supplementing PHA operations allows safe distancing and flexible work schedules for PHA staff.”
Even when the COVID-19 pandemic ends, VanderWall believes remote services – like recertifications and eligibility determinations – will remain an attractive option for PHAs. To her, it’s a matter of saving time and money.
“Not only are PHAs suffering from staff shortages, as are most industries during and after the pandemic, but PHAs have found that remote processing is faster, efficient and a cost savings,” VanderWall said.
To find out how Quadel can provide remote services to your PHA, contact Hannah Troyer, Proposal Associate.