Director, Penny VanderWall, leads Quadel Arizona’s office and has managed multiple wait list openings for Phoenix-area residents looking for affordable housing options.

Opening up wait lists and accepting applications for the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program is more than just a required administrative process. It’s an opportunity to house more people. Because wait list openings are complex, it’s important public housing agency (PHA) management is proactive – planning years in advance to mitigate risks and ensure a smooth process. Quadel Director, Penny VanderWall, has led multiple successful wait list openings for the City of Phoenix Housing Department’s HCV program. She offers her thoughts on the aspects of a successful wait list opening in this week’s blog.

Keep Documents Simple

The waiting list application is not as detailed as the application form applicants fill out once selected from the wait list. VanderWall noted the importance of only asking applicants the required information, including the date and time of application, applicant name, family unit size, qualification(s) for any local preference, and the racial/ethnic designation of the head of household.

The full application will be taken when selected from the wait list, which could be months or years away. Situations change. There is no need to ask questions that are not required such as social security numbers,” VanderWall said. “In addition, you will want to have the application available in multiple languages, including Braille, online and on paper. Remember, anyone can apply. It’s important to reinforce this with staff and be consistent in your messaging.”

Train and Prepare Staff

When preparing staff for a wait list opening event, it’s important to do a refresher course on applicable policies from the PHA’s Administrative Plan, Reasonable Accommodations, and Fair Housing laws.

“When planning a wait list opening, it’s important to determine whether there were any issues with previous openings. This allows management to focus on areas to train and prepare staff. Management will want to train all staff on the application process – policies, procedures, instructions, and answers to frequently asked questions,” VanderWall said. In addition, staff will need to understand their role if the wait list opening is done in person. Management must arrange staff members at designated areas to ensure all stations are manned.”

Involve Community Members and Organizations

VanderWall noted PHA management should consider many community factors when planning to open a wait list. Some factors include the demographics of community members, including the elderly and disabled, and the most commonly spoken languages. To ensure the PHA meets its community members’ needs during the open wait list period, leadership should meet with other organizations before planning begins.

“PHAs should involve fair housing advocates and housing service agencies before the opening to address any issues. This brings everyone to the same page: there are no surprises,” VanderWall said. “Other community partners include the local Veteran Administration hospitals and libraries so applicants may have computer access.”

Is your agency planning to open its wait list soon? Quadel helps prepare PHAs to run effective and compliant wait list openings. To learn how Quadel can serve your community, request a quote today.