Part 1: This week’s ChangeMaker is Andrea Ponsor, a leader dedicated to creating sustainable and affordable housing communities. As President and CEO of Stewards of Affordable Housing for the Future (SAHF), she works tirelessly to identify key strategic issues, advocate for nonprofit housing providers, and amplify the organization’s impact. With over 15 years of experience championing housing and community development initiatives, Andrea is an inspired voice shaping policy and unlocking new solutions for everyone to thrive. Katie will be speaking with Andrea about her visionary leadership and tireless efforts to expand affordable housing opportunities across the country. Tune in to hear Andrea’s uplifting story of empowering communities through strategic partnerships and innovative programs.
Part 2: In the second part of their conversation, Katie and Andrea delve deeper into the ultimate mission of Stewards of Affordable Housing for the Future (SAHF)—to advance and preserve affordable rental housing. Andrea sheds light on some of the specific goals and projects her organization is undertaking, particularly in the realm of financing tools and policy initiatives. With a notable recent surge of interest in the low-income housing tax credit, SAHF has been actively engaged in shaping how that program can most effectively support nonprofit affordable housing providers. Tune in for an illuminating discussion on the innovative solutions SAHF is advancing through research, advocacy, and strategic partnerships to unlock capital and reduce policy barriers facing the affordable housing sector.