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Quadel’s comprehensive HCV Specialist training course furthers each participant’s understanding of the HCV program. The course includes a brief update on key legislative changes and current HCV program rules, in-depth coverage of eligibility, limits on assistance to non-citizens, waiting list management, annual income, allowances and rent calculations, voucher issuance and leasing, portability, payment standards, and rent reasonableness. An overview of SEMAP and HQS is also included.
Every participant will receive a course book, which provides comprehensive coverage of HUD’s occupancy rules and regulations and will assist all those trained by us to perform their daily functions more efficiently and effectively far after they have attended. This course includes an optional certification exam at the close of the workshop
Take a look at a sample agenda from one of our HCV Specialist courses.
Front-line staff requiring comprehensive training and experienced or supervisory staff that need a useful update and refresher
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Beyond what is taught in our HCV Specialist course, HCV Supervisor & Manager is built to handle the specific needs of supervisory staff in your HCV department. Our trainers are experts in the field with practical knowledge and real world experience to cover the course work and answer any questions that may arise.
Topics included:
This course combines the use of classroom lecture, PowerPoint presentations, and hands-on exercises to allow the supervisors to actively participate and resolve issues that commonly occur while supervising the HCV program. Every participant will receive a course book, which will provide each trainee with tools and resources to perform their supervisory functions more efficiently and effectively far after they have attended. Our HCV for Supervisors and Managers training includes an optional certification exam at the close of the workshop.
Take a look at a sample agenda from one of our HCV Supervisors and Managers training courses.
New supervisors in the HCV program and experienced supervisory staff who could benefit from a refresher
Note: NSPIRE Essentials is a combined course that covers NSPIRE for HCV and Public Housing in a three, four-hour session format. The standalone NSPIRE for HCV is available as a Tailored Training.
The National Standards for the Inspection of Real Estate (NSPIRE) will replace the Housing Quality Standards (HQS) protocol for inspections of voucher properties. The goal of Quadel’s NSPIRE for HCV course is to familiarize inspectors with the new protocol, make them know where the largest point deductions are located, the top defects found during the NSPIRE demonstration, and most importantly, make sure your staff has the capability to find and utilize resources available to answer any questions they may have about this new inspection protocol.
General Topics Covered:
Introduction to SEMAP | |
* | Resident Engagement |
* | Corrective Actions Plans |
NSPIRE Policy & Procedures | |
* | Overview & Framework |
* | Policy |
* | Protocol Overview |
* | Appeals |
The NSPIRE Protocol | |
* | Terms & Definitions |
* | Preparing for a REAC Inspection |
* | NSPIRE Standards |
* | IT Information |
* | Appeals & Technical Reviews |
Your Role in the Inspections Process | |
* | Inspections |
* | Sample Forms |
In-Person: 8 Hours + Online Examination
Online: 2, 4 Hour Sessions + Online Examination
Front-line inspection staff
Note: This is a new course aimed at inspectors. It covers the same material as HQS for PHAs, but it omits much of the PHA specific material that is of little concern to inspectors doing the work.
Quadel’s HQS for Inspectors is a two-day (four-hour sessions) online training that provides an overview of HQS and a program update, followed by a review of general HQS requirements, including performance measures, acceptability criteria, HQS versus local codes, and inspection procedures. A discussion and review of HUD’s HQS inspection forms are also included.
The course includes a certification examination at the end of the workshop. Each participant will receive a course book to serve as a detailed desk reference after the workshop ends.
Front-line inspection staff
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Registration Options:
Quadel’s Rent Calculation course, offered as standalone HCV, PH, or combined courses, covers annual income inclusions and exclusions, allowances and deductions, adjusted income, discussion of best-practice interviewing techniques, sample interview questions, verification requirements, rent calculation, choice of rent, and utility allowances. Participants receive Quadel’s Rent Calculation course book.
Quadel offers an optional examination that evaluates participant proficiency in accurate determination of income and rent calculations. Participants who pass receive a formal certificate suitable for framing attesting to their proficiency in income, allowances and rent calculation rules.
Front line housing specialists, clerical staff, and quality control staff involved in determination of adjusted income and SEMAP performance
Quadel’s HOTMA for HCV is a four-hour online seminar covering everything you need to know about the changes introduced in the HOTMA Final Rule released earlier in 2023. The seminar will cover the nuts and bolts of Section 102 and 104, and it will also help you prepare for the changes.
Who Should Attend?
The training is intended for front-line and management staff of HCV programs and any other housing authority employees impacted by HOTMA changes.
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Quadel’s Project Based Voucher training is a comprehensive course for staff and supervisors on administering project based voucher programs. Quadel’s approach combines use of classroom lecture, PowerPoint presentations, case studies, course book instruction, and group exercises to further the student’s understanding of the material. Each participant will receive a course book to serve as a detailed desk reference after the workshop ends.
Front-line and management staff of HCV programs and other housing authority employees
*Updated for the Final Rule released in May 202
Quadel’s Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) course gives staff with different roles and responsibilities related to the FSS program a detailed understanding of FSS requirements and their implications on program management. This one and a half day (three, online sessions) course provides a comprehensive overview of how to administer an effective FSS program. Topics include:
This is a two, four-hour online session only course.
Front-line and management staff of HCV programs, finance staff processing FSS payments and any other housing authority employees
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Quadel’s HCV Homeownership course gives participants a complete overview of the program including regulatory history, eligibility and selection criteria, program design, as well as a guide for implementation according to HUD’s requirements and their implications on program management. The course includes a certification examination at the end of the workshop. Each participant will receive a course book to serve as a detailed desk reference after the workshop ends.
This is a two, four-hour online session only course.
Front-line and management staff of HCV programs and other housing authority employees who provide HCV Homeownership services
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This online seminar uses a combination of lecture, discussion, and interactive case studies to inform staff persons administering the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program of the regulations, policies, and best practices related to managing Portability (in and out).
Upon completion of this seminar, attendees will be able to:
The training is intended for front-line and management staff of HCV programs and any other housing authority employees.
In this online seminar, Quadel’s expert trainers will cover everything that has to do with SEMAP, the Section Eight Management Assessment Program. All 15 of the current SEMAP indicators will be covered.
Online Course Length: two, four-hour daily sessions, and optionally, two-weeks to complete the online examination.
Supervisory or management staff needing upper level knowledge in SEMAP inidcators and scoring.
Quadel’s Hearing Officer Essentials course provides is a comprehensive course to further each participant’s understanding of HCV Informal Hearings and Public Housing Grievances. During this training, participants will rehearse hearings and grievances processes, learn how the HUD regulations and PHA policies affect their decision, and then practice making the decision determination and writing decisions. Each participant will receive a course book, which will become a comprehensive and useful reference manual for anyone involved in Informal Hearings or Grievances and will provide benefit to all participants long after the training workshop has ended.
Any staff conducting informal reviews, Informal Hearing Officers, Grievance Committee Members, and PHA staff presenting the hearing/grievance documentation at the hearing or grievance
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Check back soon for more information.